Remarkable Community Newsletter- Issue 1

The Remarkable Community Newsletter-Issue #1

Welcome Home!

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We are so excited that you have decided to design your #RemarkableLife with us. Check out this edition of our newsletter for updates on the community, tips to make sure you know how to access what you need and to learn more about what is available to you. Happy Exploring!

Get To Know The Healing Crusade

Let's start off by addressing the elephant in the room. Why the name "crusade" Anika? Let me explain. Everything that I do in this season through the rest of my life is directed by God. The Healing Crusade (THC) is a container of Miracles. It is a safe place for people to heal individually and collectively. THC is for everyone, connected spiritually, regardless of religious affiliation. Healing is work for humanity.

Given the non-denominational approach, the word "crusade" may cause pause. The history and common connotation of the word have roots as far back as the 11th century. The word was used to identify a holy war, which was fought between people of different religions. Interestingly enough, this crusade is the exact opposite. We are campaigning for healing. The war we are waging is against living with unhealed conditions that impede our ability to be at our best. We are reclaiming the word to unify us in our intent to be healed so that we can help humanity heal together.

Definition of Crusade: cru·sade/kro͞oˈsād/ a vigorous campaign for political, social, or religious change.
Definitions from Oxford Languages

Inside THC, we are doing the work! We are on week 14 of our 3 year journey. Each week we have a healing challenge that helps us explore ourselves across the healing planes or bodies (Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual). The challenges help us to explore opportunities for healing in a variety of ways. We create new narratives, address our limiting thoughts and establish tools to help us evolve. The Healing Crusade is unique because it is a container of miracles. We have and will continue to experience miracles equivalent to the depth of our belief or faith that we can be healed.

Prestige Plan - The Healing Crusade_ avatar Prestige Plan - The Healing Crusade_

Embark on journey with access to all of the resources including group access to Anika as a Prestige Member.

Subscribe$27.00 USD/month

Transformers - The Healing Crusade avatar Transformers - The Healing Crusade

Transform your healing journey with access to the workbook and additional resources at this level.

Subscribe$9.97 USD/month

Challenger - The Healing Crusade avatar Challenger - The Healing Crusade

Challenge yourself to create the healing you deserve!

Subscribe$11.00 USD/year

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Member Spotlight

Say hello to Crusade Member, Keith Dozier, in this month's spotlight. Here's one of our favorite Mid-Week Pump Up videos. Also known as the Acronym King, Keith is a regular contributor to the crusade through his incredible gift. Check out the video to see what we mean!


One of the best parts of this journey is that I get to heal in plain sight... next to you! It's time to create your most remarkable life, so what are you waiting for?

It Must Be The Holidays

Every year for as long as I can remember, we have packed what feels like half a year in to a 6 week sprint. From Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, it feels like there is non-stop activity. Talk about being out of breath!!! One of my reflections was on how exhausted I felt at the end of the year. It is counter intuitive. Any other time, we would be resting up and pacing ourselves to start something new. Think about it. When people start a new job, move or even land a new contract, there is typically rest and time to prepare before we begin.

The close out of the end of the year coupled with the buzz of the holidays can keep the adrenaline flowing, but is that really healthy for us in the long term? In addition, the holidays are pretty stressful for most people and are packed with emotions. Who will host dinner? Who will and won't be present? Grieving family members who have passed on and strained relationships with those who are here mark another level of emotional strain. As I reflected on all of this with my expanded perspective as the leader of the healing crusade, I felt that there had to be something we could do to shift the experiences this year.

"What if we ensured that we were at the center of our own universe during the holidays?"

That question led to our current challenge called "The Holiday Hustle." For 4 weeks, our focus is on keeping ourselves at the center of our focus, so that we make decisions that honor ourselves first. Each week focuses on a different aspect of self and we practice various ways to incorporate self-care practices into our daily routine. We have added tools to our toolbelt to help us sustain energy and focus through the season. Our commitment to hold ourselves as the center of our universe helps us remember that we have choice and that we do not have to do anything that dishonors the truth of who we are. Cheers to being genuinely joyful and a more refreshed as we kick off a new year in a few weeks!

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Podcast Lovers- Celebrate!

December's Divine Guidance is now available! "A Time of Consciousness" is what Anika grounds listeners in as we prepare for the year to come.

Community Connections

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Peace and Blessings,


5829 Campbellton Rd SW Suite 104-180, Atlanta, Ga 30331-8036
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Remarkable Community

Trusted Advisor, Integration Coach, and Professional Speaker. I help people see themselves and each other. I support people on their journey to create their #RemarkableLife. God's prophet, catalyst and divine light. I create community and safe spaces for people to be real and to heal.

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